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Candid Student Reports

The following reports were written by members of Math Explorations during the first day of the program. Some elements may have been removed/edited for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.


Today we looked at information in diiferent patterrns we did squares and triangle and found the pattern of how many triangles it is and then we looked at fractals like this thing I forget what it is called but I called germ and you coulde zoom in and we made charts.

Avery and Sarah

Today we talked about growing heads, which eventually turned into fractals. Later on in the day we got to make our own fractals. We decided to make our fractal out of ovels. This turned out to be very confusing. Unfortunately the computer could not make ovels so our fractal turned out to be a couple of lines.Today was fun and interesting. We both enjoyed it and hope to learn much much more.


I learned about how to make fractals and how to make them into temselvers.


Today we learned about fractors and we had a lot of fun studying them and making two kinds of our own.


I really like this class because it was alot of hands on actvity. We learned about fratacls and chow they make shapes using one shape.


Today i learned fractals. I explored how to make my own fractal. Then i did, it was intresting.


Today i learned fractals. I explored how to make my own fractal. Then i did, it was intresting.


We experimented with fractals today. We covered a lot, and it was fun. The people here are very understanding and nice. It was a good day overall.

Last modified: October 08 2008.
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