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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the Math Explorers Club during the first session of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.

We did some things about mapping today, 
along with a bunch of math games. These 
games consistent of a guessing game, and
a coordinates game. Then we mapped the 
skills used in these games, and I got in a 
word fight with Amos about whose map was 
neater. Tommorow won't come a moment to 

i had fun so ..bye

We played games al day and Bob2 helped us

Today we learned about how math is used in many 
simple games. And then we made an organization chart 
to Show what math concepts were demonstrated in 
which games!!!!!!!
Collin and William

Today is Game and almost the most fun day of the 
club.  First Bob1 talked to us about how math is 
related to everything. And that it is the language of 
science.  Then we explored with some math Games on 
the web.  Michelle's favorite game was "breaking the 
chocolate".  When you first open the game a big hunk of 
chocolate apears in frount of you.  You drag the Mouse
along the lines and then you kick and it breaks.  The 
point of the game is to breack the chocolate in the 
least amount of cuts.  The solution to the problemis to 
cut it in one less strokes then there are chocolates or 
9.  Kristin's favorite was called"corordinates".  When 
we were done playing the games we when out for a break
and played tag.  Back in the computer room, Maria taught 
us howfavorite was called"corordinates".  When we were
done playing the games we went out for a break and 
played tag.  Back in the computer room, Maria taught us 
how to make a concept map using Insparation 5 pro. 
Michelle is proud that we completed our concept map 
first.  The object of the game is to move the little robot
from the red dot to the green dot in the least amount of 
moves by typing in regular and negative number 
coordinates.  The least amount of moves youcan make is 
two strokes.  Math Club was really interesting and fun 
Michelle and Kristin

Today we had a game day. We played some games on the 
internet and then we analysed them.  We made a web on 
Inspiration out of all the skills we had to use.

Today was my FAVORITE day in the Math Explorers Club!!! 
We did concept Maps on the Math games we played today. 
(I don't usually brag, but I think that our group did the 
best on the maps!) I had a great time today!!!

Today we played lots of games and learned lots of 
strategies.  It was the funniest class so far. We 
played many games including chocolate, corner the queen, 
coordinates, plus and minus, and the function Machines.
Lynsey's favorite game was corner the queen which is very
interesting and fun.  My favorite game was coordinates. It 
is about a robot that has to get to the green circle. The 
worst game was chocolate because it was very boring. We 
wish we could have this everyday. 

Today we had game day. I played this game and I won every one
except 9. The score was 9 to 47! It was so cool.

Last Update: June 8, 1998
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