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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the Math Explorers Club during the first session of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.

This place is the BOMBBBBBBB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We learend intergration and got shodor shirts

today we learned about intagration in graphs and about coralation.

We started class with time to explore the internet.  Then we
did a total recap of what we did for the past week.  Starting with a graph
using math abuse.  Later Ann taught us second semester calculus.  We envented
end of grade test for third grade.It was very fun. We created a three
dimetional graph for high and low IQ and High and Low runners.
Kristin, Tomas, Antek, and Brandon

Today, we studyed  graphs. We also made graphs of our own. It was
also the last day

Today we didn't actually do any science.  However we did do some
second and third semester calculus.  We did some stuff about designing a test,
and we also used a board with nails in them to construct a double grade curve.
We talked about the things involved in making a test, and making it have
predictive validity, test-retest, reliability, and split-half reliability. We
talked about EOG tests, SATs, and AHSME tests.  We did a recap of what we did
over the week.  The camp was very fun.
Brendan and Danny

Last Update: June 8, 1998
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