Candid Student Reports
The following reports were written by members of Math Explorations, Session B during the fifth day of the program. Some elements may have been removed/edited for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.
Today was my last day in math explorations class.
Actually, I will be here next week, and the week
after next to train. After that, I will be a
helper/volunteer for the computer department at
Edison Johnson. I can't wait. What I learned
on my last day was the Mandlebrot and Julia set.
I had lots of fun. For the class and the
Shodorites, they were all great and kind. I
think math explorations class was the greatest.
I learned about what kind of Julia Sets are in
the Mandelbrot Set. I liked that it was a
challenge to try to find more Julia Sets inside
the Mandelbrot sets.
I had fun at this camp to day. This was the
last day of camp we learned many things I love
this camp
Today's math class was ok I think that I have
learned a lot this session and I would love
to come back to this camp. What we did was went
to the Mandelbrot Set to find a Juila Set inside.
We also tryed to make up our own set by finding and
setting coordinates for our own and we had
to figure out the difference between an escapee
and prisoner
Today's class was very interesting. We got to learn
about the Julia Set and the Mandlebrot Set. Different
constants create different images for their certain
numerical value. The activities were based on a prisoner/
escapee situation where if the numbers increased, it
represents an escapee, and decreased represents a
prisoner. We had a lot of fun today.
Wledeh, Ebonee, and Alex
Last Update: