Candid Student Reports
The following (emails)
were written by members of the Math Explorations, Session A during
the fourth day of the program. Some elements may have been
removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's
own words.
Today we worked on things to do with
how you can connect things. It was
pretty enjoyable.
I thought today wasn't very good.
I like it when we do hands on work..
We liked the fractacles and the four
color thereom.It was really fun.
Kerry and Merrill
Today in math explorations I did
the map activity. I thaught that
the activity was very neat.
We worked on the work they gave us. We found
out some trick question's. We had fun. It was
interesting, funny, & cool. BYE
P.S. I would love to write more,
but it's time for lunch and we are lazy!.
Ruth and Sarah
Today was fun.
Cristin is 7,7 is 5, 5 is 4, 4 is forever more.
Today was a good class! We learned about a Euler
Path and Euler Circuit. We had to try to draw a
shape withhout lifting up our pencils (path) and
we had to draw a shape that started and stopped
at the same point without lifting our pencils.
Then we tried to draw a shape that uses more
than four colors which was impossible and kind
of frustrating. I learned a lot in this class today.
Today in math class, Estelle and I Had to
share a computer again. We worked on
Microsoft Excel and tried to find vertices
and points of alphabets. It was interesting.
I can't wait for my last day here.
I wonder what we will do.
Edren and Estelle
Today in class we studied how many vertices
are in each letter in the alphabet. After
that we looked at fractels through a
"microscope" on the web.the both of us liked the fractals better
Tallman and Robert
Today I had a great time. We explored
the Euler path & curciut, and some other
things. I learned a lot and I really enjoyed it.
Me Myself and I had a great time today. We did
Euler Paths And Euler Circuits. I hope that
everybody had a great time as well as I did. Thank
P.S Thank you for all of your time.
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