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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the Internet Science Exploration during the first session of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.

Today we learned how to use serach engines to find different things.This will help me any time I get on the web and need to find anything.It was fun and I like doing things like this.


Today, I learned how to use different search engines and use the best method possible to get the information I need. I practiced by searching for specific things using Yahoo and Altavista. It was lots of fun and I wasted less time by using more efficient methods. I was able to build more airplanes today and I really enjoyed that, too.


Today was very exiting we came to class and learend how to do searches and we had a contest to see who could find things first. Then we had a break and majori showed us how to tell the difference between good web sites and bad ones. Then we got on bad web and played a game.


Today was fun and I learned that some web sites are true and some are not. I tried to beat my score for BAD Web I don't think I beat it to much. Well I have to go now. Bye.


Today was a pretty fun day. Today we learned a number of things about the internet. We learned about search tools to be specific. We observed and discussed whether or not material on the internet is true or not. Actually we wern't able to tell if information was true or not because for example searching together with my classmates we found six different boiling points of radium. I really enjoyed today the first two days of this shodor Education Internet Science Expierience class has been great.


Today we searched Yahoo and Alta vista, We learned about +,-, and ". We searched key word on yahoo and alta vista for a picture of a whale and a picture of a panda. We also searched catogories on yahoo. We looked for the boiling point of radium, and found out there are 6 or 7 boiling points of radium, but only one is correct!


Last Update: June 14, 1999
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