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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the Internet Science Exploration during the first session of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.

Today Bob1 taught us about observation and things. We did many activites with money to see how many of something was on it. After that we learned about the ebola virus. It was very cool, and I liked doing it.


Today I had a lesson about a scientist's job and how to correctly make an obser- vation. Some experiments helped prove that observing correctly is not that easy. After that, I built a Stella model of an ebola virus outbreak using data found on the internet.


Today bob1 gave us quick lesson on obser- vations and stuff like that until about snack time it was fun. Then we had a snack and did some stella modeling on disiases and populations and so. Then we reaserched the info and built a modle. It was really fun.


Today was a fun day because Bob1 showed us how to look at dollars and be careful, and we worked on the Ebola virus.


I guess today was okay. We made models of the population of Zaire and rates for instance birth rates, death rates etc. We also counted the fives on a 5 dollar bill and the the's on a 5 dallar bill.


Last Update: June 14, 1999
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