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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the Internet Science Exploration during the first session of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.

Today I was introdused to all the intructors that would be teaching through out the week. Then we leared the proper way of using E-mial. After that we got on the computers and leared how to ise E-mail (wich I already knew to use). Then we had a snack and a drink. Then we went online and did somthing.


I enjoyed my first computational science class today. I think it was interesting, working with Monte on aircraft design, Lauren with routers, hubs, and packets. Jonathon was okay I didn't work with him and get to know him that well. The only thing I didn't enjoy that 3/5 of the people in the class are boys.Ooops- I have to go now. Lauren is rushing me off the computer by her long lectures


Today was fun, and I learned alot about computers and about the internet,I cant' wait to do it tomorrow.


I really liked coming to this class today. I learned a lot, especially about histories of the internet and how things really work. The teachers were really nice and helpful.


Today was a fun day. Thanks for having me. I hope I can come again next year. Again thanks for having me.


Last Update: June 14, 1999
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