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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the Internet Explorers Club during the fourth session of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.

Is it true?

we learned that we can tell that a web site is true by the company.if the company is not very popular, you are more likely to not believe reputation counts.the time they spent on the site is also a good way to tell if the site is true. if it is just thrown together w/ no information, it is most likely not true. If it is a no profit institute we will believe it. it also depends on your own opinion and common sense.

Derrick & Adit

Wer'e doing a report about mars.Nasa is conducting a search for plant life on mars.And we want to learn more about it.

See ya !


Today we learned about bookmarks. Most web browsers have the ability to "bookmark" (save the address of) sites you like. That way, you can almost instantly get back to a favorite site. However, if you don't organize your bookmarks, it can take quite a while to find the right site. So, bookmark often, but organize when you can.

Matthew & Daniel

Today one of the things we learned about was how to bookmark.We found out that you have to put your bookmarks in a file ,or they will be too jumbled up to use.We also found out how to move the bookmarks to a disk so we can take them to use on a different computer

Rob and Jacob

I am wondering if ET's are real. I think that ET's are not real because they don't look real and they come from space, which is, in my opinion, impossible. So far we have not come across any information that really supports our theory. We hope to find some in our next session, though. We might not be optimistic about aliens, but we do think there is a chance that they exist.


Brent and Wes

If you are searching for information on the internet it's nearly imposible to make any progress without the help of a search engine. The first step in useing a search engine is to go to the site with the search engine you want to use. Then you can choose the message of the search. You can seach for the subject you are looking for or you can do a key word search. Yahoo has an extensive subject search that alows you to go from the VERY general (such as Science) to the very specific (such a whales). A keyword search alows you to look for anything with certain words in it. Unfortunetly you can get a multitude sites if you don't narrow your search. Take, for example, a keyword search on bats. You get thousands of hits, from vampire bats to Louisville Sluggers. To narrow the search you might type in: +bats -baseball. That means that the web sites returned would have bats but not baseball. This narrows the search down a bit but not enough. To narrow it further you might type in: +bats -baseball +caves, which would retrieve sites with bats and caves, but not baseball. Another tecnique we learned was to put things in quotation marks, which return a site only if all the words in quotations were there, in order, and near to each other. Well, that's about it.


Today we learned how to be "internet effective" We leared about the use of key words, phrases enclosed in quotes, and signs to narrow your search. Such as:

    + means and
    - means NOT
Okay.... Now also we learned about micro biology - a topic of our own choosing. It was ok., kinda boring though, but the day was fun, just like I thought it would be!We learned about 1 celled animals it was very interesting. We saw a of a microbe having baby microbes it made squishy sounds everytime a microbe grew!


Alex & Amanda

Last Update: June 14, 1999
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