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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the Internet Explorers Club during the third session of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.

today we talked about:

  1. Scientific investigation
  2. history of internet
  3. vocabulary
  4. e-mail
  5. packets

E-mail is used to communicate to others on the web. Anyone can read your e-mail. e-mail is also used to transfer data. Fastest way to sendinformation to others. E-mail can be good and bad due to the fact that anyone can use it for anything. therefore anything can be shown. the user and the receiver must have a POP Account.

Derrick & Adit

Hi, today we worked on bad net, it was fun. We made a plane but it diddn't fly

Daniel & Jachob

Hi, today we learned about scientific investigation. The six steps of scientific investigation are:

  1. Observation
  2. Record information
  3. Establish criteria
  4. Analyse data
  5. Report
  6. Draw conclusions

Cool, eh? From

Jonathan & Aimee Gareis

We covered the interactive sites today and we went mainly to BAD-WEB and we tried to make airplanes and experimented. We experimented with different airplanes on Bad-Web with different designs to see if they could fly within the $300 limit. Also we went to the ph page but we got bored and went back to BAD-WEB and for us it was fun messing around , well bye.
Alex & Brent, bye

Today one of the things we did was talk about how info moves through the internet by means of packets.When the packets are sent,they are numbered and sent out of order.The recieving computers then put the numbered messages back in order. Today, part of the class sent another part of the class a numbered message that was out of order.Just like when goingthrough the net, we took the first route available.this is basically what we learned.

rob & wes

Today we learned about Scientific Investigation. It includes 6 steps:

  1. Observe
  2. Record
  3. Establish Criteria
  4. Analyze Data
  5. Report
  6. Draw Conclusions

These steps are the main body of the scientific method. Scientists all over the world use these steps in their search for truth and knowledge. The internet is usefull in all of these steps because it allows scientists to access conclusions, data, information, and ideas from other scientists all over the world.

Matthew & William

The Internet was first used by The U.S. Military in the 1970's during the threat of nuclear war. It was used as a communications method between Communication Centers (which scaned for incoming nuclear missles) and Nuclear launch stations. People saw that with this Internet they could send and recieve information instantly and it became a big hit.

Last Update: June 14, 1999
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