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Time to Build


Instruct the students to go to http://lushprojects.com/circuitjs/ Alternatively, if the link does not work, go to

Virtual models such as this have many benefits: they save time, money/resources, and are easily applicable to real-life scenarios. By planning out our circuit through online software, we reduce the chances of making a mistake - if an electrical engineer makes a mistake in a very complicated circuit, he or she may have wasted days' worth of work. If he or she had planned out the circuit through modeling software, the mistake could have been avoided.

Applet Exercise: The Timer Circuit
Before we start working with our physical 555 timer chip, let’s go back to the circuit simulator and click the following.Circuits>555 Timer>Square Wave Generator.

When the 555 timer circuit appears, note that the pin numbers along side the IC chip are not listed in sequence. This is done to make the schematic (circuit diagram) much easier to follow. Oftentimes, pin 1. Called GND, or ground, is shown as being connected to a ground symbol, drawn using three progressively shorter horizontal parallel lines with a vertical line attaching midway of the longest (top) horizontal line. (the instructor can illustrate what the symbol looks like.) Several other connections throughout the circuit may connect to a GND, or ground, symbol. In reality, all of these connections are connected together at the same node, usually the – (negative) rail or negative terminal of the battery. This convention helps to maintain clarity in the schematic diagram by reducing the number of wires needed to represent the circuit. Note that there is no LED pictured in the schematic diagram. We will connect our resistor and LED to pin 3 (output) of the 555 timer chip as we build the circuit.

Make the following changes in the component values in the circuit:

Student Exercise:
Changing the blink rate of the LED What effect will increasing the capacitance have on the blinking rate of the LED? Allow students to answer. (LED will blink slower.) Ask student s to edit the value of the 10uf capacitor and increase it to 100uf. Reset and Start the simulator. What happened to the blinking rate of the LED? (Answer: slower)

Let's make a circuit based off one of the designs.


For detailed instructions on how to complete this circuit, click here: Link. A printable copy can be found here: Download

Help the students get a working model. To orient the 555 chip, make sure the notch in the chip is facing upwards. If facing the opposite direction, the chip will not work.

If this is the half day (or middle school) workshop,
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If this is the full day (or high school) workshop,
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