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Putting It All Together

This is the end of the lesson for middle school students. You may choose to continue with the web lesson, but the following material may be difficult for a younger audience. If teaching high school students or above, move on to the next page.

Congratulations! You have accomplished a remarkable feat by building a working model of the counter circuit. You have completed the basics of the building blocks used in the modern computer.

Electrical engineering covers a vast area of electrical technologies used in today’s environment, from bio-medical to space travel to consumer electronics. Engineers will continue to push forward in making new discoveries that enhance and influence our lives.

This is the end of the lesson for middle school students. You may choose to continue with the web lesson, but the following material may be difficult for a younger audience. If teaching high school students or above, move on to the next page. Otherwise, please head to the Conclusion: Conclusion

On to page 6!