Opinions in Science Education

The Student Science Enrichment Program aims to provide creative science enrichment activities for middle and high school students. This goal presents many challenges to those involved with the program. This page is intended to provide a forum for parents, educators, and friends to share their ideas and opinions about the state of science education. The opinions expressed are the author's, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SSEP or the Burroughs Wellcome Fund.

We invite you to submit your own opinions and ideas about science education to the site administrator.

In Their Own Words

An Argument for Science Education
by Steve Dyche, Director, Mathematics and Science Education Center
Appalachian State University

Multicultural Science Education
by Gerry Madrazo, Executive Director, Mathematics and Science Education Network
UNC-Chapel Hill

The Role of Paradox in Science and Mathematics
by Robert M. Panoff, Executive Director, SUCCEED
Shodor Education Foundation
and Michael J. South, Fulcrum.org

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