
Welcome to my Portfolio!

          This page shows some of the projects I have completed in the Apprenticeship Program at Shodor.


•This is a link to download my Office Ethics Essay, the first assignment I received as an apprentice. The assignment was an essay that answered an Ethics Question .

•Here is a link to a group project I did with my partner Anna. It is called our H2Whoa model, and it has a website, an AgentSheets model, and a Vensim model. Click here to enter the site.

                    •In the website is an AgentSheets model that I made of the water cycle. The water precipitates out of the clouds, and falls to the ground. There it either waters the corn, rolls off the parking lot, or falls in the lake. After a while, it evaporates back into the clouds. Click here to go directly to my AgentSheets model.


•Below is a screenshot of an Excel model that I built concerning how theoretical and experimental probabilty differ. In this case, we used Excel as theoretical, and AgentSheets as experimental probability. We ran the same model in both programs and then compared the results.

It's broken!!



              • Here is a link to a model Anna and I worked on in JavaScript as partners. It is a model on how fire spreads in the forest.

Here is a link to a model I made in JavaScript that paints divs different colors when the page is reloaded.

Here is a link to another model I made in JavaScript. This model makes a rectangle randomly 'walk' around on a canvas.

This model rolls a die and stores the result in a chart.

This website was created by Tess Siggins.  Special thanks to Shodor staff.