

       Hello. Welcome to our awesome, totally cool H2Whoa website!!! This is a project we started a few weeks ago.

       This was the problem we were assigned to model:

       The Problem:

       Farmer Brown has set up a lake and a field of corn, and dividing the two he has a parking lot. The Farmer realized that raising animals is no longer a lucrative as it used to be. So he decided to make his cornfield into a maze, and use his lake for recreation. Now, he wants his parking lot to be as large as possible, because more parking means more people can come, but he wants to make sure that his corn and his lake gets enough water.

       This was our assignment:

       The Assignment:

       Farmer Brown called us to see if we could help him figure out how his land could be best used in order to maximize each area of land, but still allow his corn and his lake to flourish. The Farmer wants a good understanding of how water cycles on his land, both on an individual (water drop) level, and in a larger,global sense. Thus, he has requested for us to build two models of his farm: a System model (using Vensim) as well as an Agent model (using AgentSheets).