Workplace Productivity and Efficiency Model

Agent Model Story:

There is a world with agents. Some agents have shapes. The box agent gives off an invisible scent that draws the worker to it. Once the worker gets to the box the worker picks up the box and walks to the drop-off bin to drop the box off. The worker does this with all the boxes until there are no more left. This happens alongside another worker doing the same thing.

System Model Story:

You own a business and have some randomly placed boxes you need for workers to pick up and drop-off! A worker can pick up one box at a time before walking to the drop-off bin to drop it off. Estimate how long it''ll take and how much it'll cost. You get to pick how many workers and boxes you want picked up. You also get to pick how many times you want this process done per day and how many days of the week the process to pick how many times you want this process done per day and how many days of the week the process will be done to see how cost factors out but these factors will not be factored into any of the graphs (graphs will assume this is done only once ever).

What a User Can Learn:

From these models, a user can learn different ways in which workplace setups are more efficient. They can also learn the cost difference and time difference between each setup, finding out which ones are more efficient.

Questions that Can Be Asked

What Can Be Observed

Works Cited

Bumgardner, Wendy. “Walking Time for Mile, 5K, 10K, Half-Marathon, Marathon, and More.” Verywell Fit, 5 Mar. 2020,
“Fatigue: The Leading Cause of Lost Workplace Productivity.” Lord Baltimore, 23 June 2015,
Jon Muller I'm a mechanical engineer and founder of Good Form. Good Function. Good Health. “Workplace Fatigue Statistics and Its Staggering Costs (2020 Edition).” Ergonomic Trends, 29 Apr. 2020,