
Greetings, My name is Ryan Kleissler. I am a student at Chapel Hill High School and I am currently a 10th grader. I enjoy military history, especially World War II and the American Civil War. I was born in Haddonfield, New Jersey in 1998. I have three brothers Matt, Jack, and Dan. I moved to Chapel Hill in 2000 and then again in 2006 to my current home. I have enjoyed using computers my whole life and I just finished building my own desktop. I heard about the Shodor program through my friends Iain, Elise, and Alex. I have been enjoying my time at Shodor immensely and I hope to continue work into the new year.

Before this program my experience with computers hadn't extended much beyond using basic programs, surfing the web, and playing video games. I have learned a great deal from Shodor and it has sparked my interest in computers. I originally didn't have computers in my plan for college or after but now I hope to take the skills I learn here to the next level. As mentioned before I recently finished building a brand new desktop. I had a lot of help from fellow apprentices along with Shodor staff in picking out my parts and the construction. I hope, in the end of high school and in college to start branching off into some kind of video after affects or film/game production. I hope to compine my imagination with computers to create a fun and interesting career.