
These are the projects I worked on this year, download them and enjoy!!

1. A farmer wants to know how his plot of land should be split up into farm land, parking lot and lake.
2. This essay describes my reaction to the problem of being behind schedule on an important project. Each person has their own problems that need to be fixed.
3. This is our sole Spring Semester Project, it is demonstrating forrest fire spreading through a forrest. In the module their are multiple things the user can change such as the burn rate, radius, ignite radius, and the number of trees. Each of these effect how the fire spreads in the forrest.
4. This module simulates a room in the Louvre. People walk through the room looking at te art. If they see more than 50% of the art they are happy and leave, but if its too crowded and they cant move they become unhappy and leave, Once 80% of the people are unhappy the module stops.
5. A cloth designer, Phil, needs predict the color trends for next ten years or so. In this module people can change colors when the meet, but if a color becomes to popular they will randomly switch colors. That way the non-hipster fashion stays constant.
6. A HLD for a personale website, requirements, timeline, and important info included. Meant for Shodor Apprentices or other Shodor Staff.
7.Currently my first attempt at a PHP document, this will most likely change over time.
8.A php document, this page cycles through random colors every second.
9.Back up to all my files in my Public_html folder.
10.Choose a color and the page will change
11.This page rolls 2 dice 12 time and adds them up into a total. When the page is refreshed it re-rolls the dice.
12.My blog but made with XML, a code that can be used in lue of HTML.
13.A calendar made with php you can change the month and which day it starts on. Special thanks to Ishaan.
14.Type in your name, the first and last letters will switch.
15.Using the GET variable anything you type into the input box will return.
16.A JavaScript file that reads and displays stock prices for companies.
17.Some kind of snowflake thing. I dont really know.
18.My current resume.