Forest Fire


Model Description

This project models a forest fire. Two versions of the project were created; the first uses AgentCubes, and the second uses JavaScript and the AgentModel.js library.

The Story

Burning trees change into burnt tress. If a healthy tree is next to a a burning tree with some percent chance the healthy tree will change into a burning tree. A counter counts and graphs the number of healthy, burning and burnt trees at each time step.


Agents and Shapes

Agent Shape Color
Tree Young Light Green
Old Dark Green
Lightning Yellow
Burning Red
Burnt Black
Counter Magneta

Observed Behaviors

Some observations of the graph is that sometimes the fire can burn out itself, but then lightning stikes and starts the spreading of fire again. This can be seen in the graph where at some moments the lines go up and down, but then goes steady before spiking up again.

Nearest-Neighbors Burning

To solve the Nearest Neighbor Problem, Claire and I used "broadcast" and "Test" functions. We used the counter in order to "broadcast" and check actions.


What I earned in creating this project that one would create several mistkes or find themseves having a lot of bugs in their code. It is highlt important to save and check before ging ahead because then you would have t fin the source of your bug.