Forest Fire

AgentCubes Model

Link to Model

How to Open

In order to properly use the model you will need to you another web browser than Safari. Use the link above and click on the "Design" button.

How to Run

When you arrive at the page you will see three different buttons, "Play," "Design," and "Edit." You will need to click on "Design in order to use the model properly. After you click "Design," You will see several icons near the top of the page. It is recommended to click on the timestep button in order to view the proression of the model.The timestep button is to the right of the Stop button.

How to Change Parameters

To change the parameters of the Agent mode, you will need to click on the gear icon at the top far left corner of the page. Then you will cick on "Show Simul ation Properties." This will allow you to change the parameter of the model. There is Lightningchance, Agechance, Regrow, and Oldspreadchance.


This is the beginning stage of the model where there is one burning tree near the middle of the forest.