Html Codes


  • ethics homework
  • This was my first assignment i have done for shodor and the assignment was to write a paper about the scenario ron gave to us and i was supposed to tell him what was the ethical thing to do.

  • sick people vensim model
  • Today we learned how to work on vensim and we did are first model on disease and how the disease would spread and we tried to put all the different factors into the model.

  • tagged fish and seals vensim model
  • Today i did my first project with my partner Lesile and we spilt the project up i did the vensim and she did the agents sheet. But i have a graph posted on here showing the rates. The project was bout tagged fish and non tagged fish and seals and how the seals have a better rate of eating tagged fish because of the signal it gives off.

  • Fish and seals vensim
  • This is just another graph of my seals and fish model.

  • Bouncing Particles
  • this is my first running model i am very excited about it. We learned how to write code and understand it. This model is about colored particles bouncing of the square it was very difficult but fun.

  • Fish and Seals the saga continues
  • This is my seals were very helpful to the completion of this project.This project is about the growth and death of seals and fish in a controlled environment what we pretty much had to do was make the seals and fish die of age and hunger and same with the fish. Also we had to make the fish and seals reproduce .Truth this is not a god representation of seals an fish because this is an controlled environment were as in real life their would be a lot more going on and more factors involved

  • parellel program
  • today we worked on parellel program this was very difficult but i understand the benefits of parallel programming.