Fall Projects:

Examples of Models: In class we had a discussion about examples of models and we listed them. Link

Coin Flip Work: In excel we went over pseudo-random concepts such as a coin flip. Link

Agent Cubes Thing 1: This was a small activity that we did to learn how to use agentcubesonline.com.

Agent Cubes Disease: We used this small project to work with what we learned from Thing 1. Link

Ocean Project: This project shows the relationship between Sharks, Fish, and Plants. It has two models, one in agentcubes and one in Vensim. Link

Change vs. Behavior in Vensim: A small vensim chart talking about Change and Behavior. Download

Rabbits in Vensim: A model in vensim about Rabbits and population change. Download

Healthy + Sick in Vensim: A vensim model showing the basic relationship between Healthy and Sick people. Download

Simple Population in Excel: A complex document in excel showing population and population change. Download

Iteration Examples: We used excel to learn about iterartion, the repetition of a process to gain data. Download

Programming Concepts: We put some Programming Concepts we learned in class to use in Excel. Download

Ethics Assignment:
I feel one of the major problems is the lack of communication in the team. Even though some of the members are in tough situations, such as a divorce or working a second job for necessary money, there is no excuse for them not telling the truth. I’m sure that sharing these problems with the rest of the group would only help with getting to the end goal and completing the public interface by the deadline. What I would do if I was actually in this situation, is start off with one on one discussions with each person and after, have a team meeting. As I said I feel like the key to success in these situations is good communication. Having a team meeting is a great way to do this. A plan I thought of was maybe the man going through the divorce could maybe cover for the guy working the second job. And to pay him back then the guy working the second job can cover for the guy going through a divorce. If even after these meetings people refuse to do their work, I think the last option would be to talk to the boss. I know that might not seem like the most professional thing to do but at times it is necessary.

Spring Projects:

Parallel Computing Notebook Link

Forest Fire Project: Link

Summer Projects:

Responsive Web Page: Link

Cars and Pollution Project: Link

Graphic Design Projects: For these projects we used Inkscape and Gimp to make various creations. One thing we made was a favicon, a logo for our website. I used Gimp and Inkscape to make it. We had to make 6 logos and 1 picture collage for the first part, and after we had to make collages where we put one image in another, like the Cosmic Turtle collage below. And we used Gimp to mess with a picture of Aaron, Ernie, or both of them. I had to make web banners out of 6 of the logos.



7 Object Collage

7 Object Collage

My Initials Logos

Initial Logo Initial Logo

My Name Logos

Name Logo Name Logo

Image Logos

Image Logo Image Logo

Cosmic Turtles Demo

Image Logo

Picture Collage

Image Logo

Scaling Image

Scaling Image

Picture Quality

Scaling Image Scaling Image
Scaling Image Scaling Image

Web Banners

Messing with Ernie

Mario Ernie