By Jackson Pausback

agentcubesonline Model Link: Link

Vensim Model Link: Link

Model Description: This project shows the effect of pollution caused by cars on the environment. It has two different models, an agentcubesonline and a model in vensim.

Car Pollution Model

This is a picture of the agent cubes online model, this is the model before it has been started. This model shows cars and their affect on the environment. The main agent is cars which go around the world on the road and produce pollution occasionally. The pollution spreads randomly and can affect plants and water and make them polluted. But there are other agents to prevent this, there are re-planters that get rid of the deadplants and replace them with new ones. And there is a truck that goes around and treats polluted water.

Car Pollution Model

This is a picture of the Vensim model. This model has two main components, clean water and plants, and dead/polluted plants and water. Because there is a limited number of water and plants, there populations vary inversely. When one climbs the other one decreases. And to change which one is increasing or decreasing you can start the model and use the slider bars and see the affect on the graph.