1. What affects the amount of endorphin release?
2. What are the effects of high endorphin levels in a person?
3. What are some activities that release a higher level of endorphins?
4. How do the surroundings of a person affect their endorphins?
Endorphin release is affected by the type of exercise you do and the intensity at which you do it at.
High levels of endorphins can alleviate depression, reduce stress and anxiety, boost your self esteem, reduce your weight by modulating appetite , and reduce pain.
Intense exercise for a short amount of time will release more endorphins than a moderate exercise for a longer period of time. Activities like dance that relate to the emotional center of our brain as well will release the most amount of endorphins.
If someone lives closer to a dance studio than a pool, they would be more likely to take part in dance rather than swimming. This would cause them to have a higher amount of endorphin release than someone who lived close to the pool or gym.