
Summer Block 3 Projects

Data Base Project

Database Project

SQL Research Guide

SQL Research Guide

Summer Block 2 Projects

Krista's Projects Part 1

click here

Krista's Projects Part 2

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Coin Flip Model

The coin flip model shows a coin being flipped and calculates the percentage of times it landed on heads and the percentage of time it landed in tails.

Coin Flip Model Link

Rendered HTML Example

This webpage is the same as the coin flip model, except it uses rendered HTML.

Rendered HTML Link

PHP Form Project

With this project I created a PHP form that validate correctly.

PHP Forms

Programming Concepts Research Guide

Programming Concepts Research Guide

Summer Block 1 Projects

Inkscape Projects

I have created many images and logos using a program called Inkscape. To view the images click on the link below.

inkscape images

Responsive Web Design Project

For this project I created a model webpage that demonstrates what I learned about responsive webdesign

model link

Summer Modeling Project

This final modeling project wraps up everything I have learned about modeling for the last few months at Shodor. It includes an agent model and a system model. Click on the click below to see the models.

model link

Gimp Quickie Tutorials

I edited an image using Gimp software.

Click here to view the images:

gimp images

Spring Projects

Bouncing Particles

The Bouncing Particles Project was our first opportunity to manipulate code hands on. For this project we were given some pre-written code and were told to change certain variables, one at a time, and see what the changes to the code did to our model. For example, I changed the size and colors of the particles, how many there were, and the dimensions of their container.

Click here to view the Bouncing Particles model:


Project Euler: Code Refactoring Example

The Project Euler assignment was a activity where we wrote a small program in JavaScript that would find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below one thousand.

Click here to view the Project Euler Activity:


CSS Research Guide

The CSS Research Guide was a research guide I filled out to learn about CSS. it covered lots of details like the difference between inline, internal, and external CSS, why or why not you should use each of them, and other important style things like background color or images, font style and size, and lists.

Click here to view my CSS research Guide:


HTML Template (no CSS)

This is a very simple HTML template for a webpage. Because there is no CSS attached to it, the template is pretty simple and does not contain a lot of style, like a particular format, font, or background color. The template consists of a title, several navigation lists, and a title for the text that would be below it, but is not because it is just a template.

Click here to view the HTML template (no CSS):


HTML Template (with CSS)

This is another HTML template, called The Terrible Template, however, this one is more advanced because it has a CSS file to give it more style. I changed the format so that this one has separate sections to be more organized. It also has borders, background colors, a specific font and sample pictures of parakeets.


Forest Fire Model

The Forest Fire project was a group project that I completed with another Apprentice, Kira Taylor. The goal of the project was to model a forest fire. It includes variables like healthy trees, burning trees, and firemen.The project was multistage and involved creating both a forest fire model in both and Agent Cubes and JavaScript. More details about the project, including both models and a more detailed description can be found if you click the link below.


Parallel Computing Workbook

The Parallel Computing Workbook is a google document of parallel computing related activities I completed at Shodor. Many of them were thinking exercises designed to help us wrap our minds around parallel computing and think about the practical applications and limitations of it.


Fall Projects

Office Ethics Project

The Office Ethics Project was an assignment to demonstrate everything I learned about office ethics from Ron's presentation. Ron gave me a scenario describing an office conflict and I had to write a response about how I would handle the situation. The scenario and my response can be found in the link below.


HTML Research Guide

The HTML Research guide is a document with lots of questions and definitions I had to fill out about HTML. What I learned from this document was my first experience with HTML, but it was a very thorough interduction.


Coin Flip

The Coin FLip project was a mini-project I did in Excel. It simulates a coin being flipped. The excel sheet linked below contains the Coin Flip, Dominant/Recessive, and the Dice + Spinner projects.



The Dominant/Recessive was another mini-project I did in Excel. It simulates the relationship between dominant and recessive genes. The excel sheet linked below contains the Coin Flip, Dominant/Recessive, and the Dice + Spinner projects.


Dice + Spinner

The Dice + Spinner project was a mini-project I did in Excel. It simulates the randomness of a dice and Sinner. The spinner chooses a random color, and the dice chooses a random number between 1 and 6. The excel sheet linked below contains the Coin Flip, Dominant/Recessive, and the Dice + Spinner projects.



The diffusion project was a mini-project I did in Excel. I was used squares to represent a room and then used the colors of the squares to illustrate what temperature the square was. Using numbers and formulas in the excel spreadsheet, this mini-model can show the heat distribution of a room, depending on where you decide to place the heaters.


Simple Population

The Simple Population project was another mini-project I did in Excel. It uses an equation that models population, in this this increase and decrease can be easily visualized.


Vensim Rabbits

The Vensim Rabbits project was an activity I did in a modeling program called Vensim. Vensim is used to make System Models, which a population model is. It uses an equation that models a rabbit population to be able to predict the increase and deacrease of the population. Vensim uses different variables to make the graph accurate and informative. The graph is interactive, with parameters that can be changed.


Vensim Healthy + Sick

The Vensim Healthy + Sick project is another activity I did in Vensim. The Healthy + Sick Vesim is a basic disease model. It shows how a population would change with a birthrate and a deathrate due to a disease. There are lots of factors that the model considers, such as chance of recovery, immunity, and how the size of the population impacts the spread of disease. There is a interactive graph, with parameters that can be changed.


Vensim Predator Prey

The Vensim Predator Prey activity is another project I did in Vensim. It is similar to the Rabbit population model, however, instead of modeling one population, it models two.


Agent Cubes Disease

This disease model was done on a website called AgentCubes and is another way to model the spread of disease. Click on the link and press play to veiw the model in action.


Group Project: Fish and Fishermen

The first group project I did at Shodor was a predator prey model using fish and fishermen. The project included creating models in AgentCubes and Vensim, as well as creating a website to display thr project. A link to the project website is below.
