( ! ) Warning: mysqli_connect() [function.mysqli-connect]: (HY000/2003): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'mysql-dev' (113) in /home/cskalla/public_html/diceRollDBForm.php on line 8
Call Stack
10.0124205928{main}( )../diceRollDBForm.php:0
20.0124206304mysqli_connect ( )../diceRollDBForm.php:8
Dice Statistics

Dice Statistics

Veiw the Results Here!

Please fill out the following form to enter your data:

First Name:

Last Name:

What color are you thinking of?

What is your shoe size?

What is the brand of your shoes?

You Can Roll One Dice Between 1 and 100 Times:

How many times would you like to roll it?

Thank You!

Please fill in the required fields