Armaan Syed

About Me

Hi my name is Armaan Syed, and I am years old, and am a student at Georgia Institute of Technology studying computer science. I attended Wake STEM Early College High School, near the NC state campus. I also love all facets of computer science. I especially enjoy coding in a variety of programming languages, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and SQL just to name a few. I joined the Shodor Aprenticeship program back in the Fall of 2016, hoping to learn more about this vast field and much to my satisfaction I did. This website which was made purely by HTML, CSS, and JavaScript its purpose being to showcase the projects I completed as an intern at Shodor. Aside, from completing numerous projects at Shodor I also attend a FIRST robotitcs team part known as Techno Wolves/Team #5518. In my free time I enjoy watching movies except for horror movies for obvious reasons; playing games like chess and video games like first person shooters, open world, and story driven games. In addition to that, I also enjoy video editing and creating various things using CGI ranging from a flying effect to explosions. From time to time, I like to do photography and photo editing. I have also included my Resume in a downladable link above. That's, just a little bit about me.

The purpose of this website is to showcase some of the projects I completed as an Apprentice as well as other various skills I have accquired. Some of the various skills I have accquired by being a Shodor Apprentice include: System Modeling with Vensim, Modeling using JavaScript, Creating a Website with HTML and CSS, Using PHP to utilize server side functions, Graphic Design using Gimp and Inkscape, and Creating Databases with MySQL. My Website features a blog that conveys what work was like for me, as an Apprentice at Shodor. All of my completed projects can be viewed in my Portfolio which happens to be everything I created while at Shodor. As part of the requirments for Shodor I have included links to Shodor resources like a Timeclock and a Shodor wiki explaining all things Shodor. Feel Free to Browse my Website.