My Portfolio

Fall and Winter Projects

Artificial Intellignece Project


For this project, the growth of Artificial Intelligence is modeled in period over the next ten years in three specific ways: Agentcubes Online, Vensim, and Excel.

Office Ethics


In this Shodor Essay we examined a situation that could pertain to real life easily, and it was left to us to solve the problem. Using the skills and ethics we learned from Shodor we analyzed the situtaion wrote an essay on the solution.

Vensim Disease Model


In this model, we conveyed the change in population of becoming sick and becoming treated for sickness.

Vensim Rabbit Model


In this model, we conveyed the change in population of becoming sick and becoming treated for sickness.

SIR Agent Cubes Model


This simple SIR model was created to explore throughout the capabilities of Agent Cubes Online and to practice simple modelling in the software. It models the spread of disease with green squares representing sick people and yellow being healthy.

System Model Excel


In this Shodor project, we were introduced to the main uses of Microsoft Excel, and opening doors to new capabilities that us students hadn't known before. This was done in class and you can download the file to explore the uses of the functions and graphs in Excel.

Spring Projects

Forest Fire Project


A model of a forest fire was made using in JavaScript it allows a user to click anywhere on a randomly sorted plane full of trees that will burn a certain amount of trees from the user click point particularly through an expanding radius.

Parallel Computing Notebook


Here is a notebook about Parallel Computing based on certain activities

JavaScript Commenting Work


Here is a JavaScript program given to us by Aaron in which we had to explain what the program did by breaking down every line of code to explain it's function.

Summer Projects

Fashion War HLD


This a project I designed for our other Apprentices it requires modeling fashion trends through programs like

Responsive Web Design


Here is a website which we were given the basic html and css code, but we had to program the website to be more responsive.

Graphic Art

These Are Graphic Art projects we made using the programs Inkscape and Gimp to help us evantually make our own logos. There are also a picture of our Shodor mentor Ernie who asked us to use these skills to photoshop him own a famous character.

PHP projects



Here is a Calendar made by using functions in PHP

Dynamic Pages


Here is a webpage file that dynamically loads content using PHP

XML Blog


Here is a blog page that uses a PHP loop to display blog entries from an external XML file

Background Color


Here is a webpage file that dynamically loads content using PHP

First Name/Last Name


Here is a program that takes a first and last name and switches the first and last letter of each name



Here is a program that uses random number generators to virtually roll two dice several times and create a table to show all possible sums of the dice

Random Hexcode


Here is a program that generates a random hex code to use as your page’s background that changes each times the page reloads

SQL/PHP project


Here is a program that shows a list of movies that can be organized by particular data fields.

Unfinished Website Project


This a website project I was not able to do due to time, but here is an essay detailing what I would have done.

Unfinished Modeling project


This a modeling project I was not able to do due to time, but here is an essay detailing what I would have done.