Attending class as a Shodor Apprentice has taught me a wide variety of different things. The lectures during the workshops have taught me how these topics can be useful in the future. Our mentors and Shodor experts made the lectures extremely easy to understand and very interesting. There was never a point during the Apprenticeship where I field a certain item we were learning was boring or not useful. Being new to computers, I knew nothing when it came to computers. This definitely began to bug me until I decided to finally change that by applying to be an Apprentice. The experience in the workshop has definitely paid off and I feel that the applications I learned in Shodor, such as Excel, Vensim, AgentSheets etc. will definitely be helpful in the coming future. I would like to give a special thank you to Phil for all the trouble I have given him over the past weeks at Shodor with all the problems I have had. I also want to thank my mentor, Aaron for discussing any concerns I had about the program, as well as all the Shodor surfers helping out when needed. I look forward to working with Shodor in the future.