Anagha's Daily Blog

My Blog

Welcome To My Summer Module Blog!

August, 19 2016

Today was my last day as a Shodor Apprentice! We had the beginning of the day to work on our final project/presentation. I was basically done, so my friends and I played go fish in the breakroom, and just sort of enjoyed that. I presented after lunch, and I had a pretty good time. I'm really going to miss being an apprentice. Bye for now!

August, 18 2016

Today was a really boring day. I had nothing to do for the most part, because I had already finished everything. Ernie gave me a project of uploading pictures to the Vensim additional resources since I did it for the basic vensim introduction tutorial. Then I helped Albert with vensim, because he didn't really remember how to use it. Overall, today was a pretty good day, and I am looking forward to presenting tomorrow.

August, 17 2016

Today was a really chill day. I had nothing to do, since Ernie was talking to us via google classroom. I ended up tweaking some things on my website and then helping anyone who needed my help. I left 20 minutes early because I have an away game for tennis.

August, 16 2016

Today was kind of a busy day. I started out at reception, because I was assigned for today. I didn't have anything to do, so Ernie gave me a project that used Snap 2 and screenshotting. Since, the app Vensim has been updated, the tutorial they had on the website had to be updated as well. I updated it, and took new screenshots of the buttons and uploaded the pics onto the Shodor database.

August, 15 2016

Today was also a pretty relaxed day. In the morning, I worked on my blog and finished my reflections. I also photoshopped Ernies face on rosie the riveter , who was the girl in world war 2 with the we can do it sign. Then I worked on my logo banner. The banner had me change the background of my logo to black and changed the shape of my rocket to blue. Then Ernie, talked to me about what I needed to fix. I had to have a 12 month calendar instead of a 3 month calendar, and have a MYSQL database that showed the table when you first load up the page.

August, 12 2016

Today was a pretty relaxed. In the morning, I worked on my agent cubes a little more, changing the agents. Then I worked on my gimp projects. I actually really like gimp, because it was easier to use from inkscape. I made a Taj mahal with fireworks as the top of the background. I also made a old halloween card by adding fog and changing the color hue and saturation. The last gimp project I made was the blimp. I duplicated the blimps and then made clouds, by using a brush and then creating circles around the background.

August, 11 2016

Today was a pretty busy day. I started out in the morning, working on my agent cube project for Jim's HLD. I am not a big fan of agent cubes so I actually dreaded working on it. I started out by talking my model out with Jim, to make sure I actually understood what I had to make. Then with a ton of help from Varsha and Abia I had a working model with everything but the death of the villagers. After Lunch I ended up having documentation for the workshop Shodor Scholars Program. That was basically really boring because everyone was just working on their own group project for presentations the next day.

August, 10 2016

Today was a very busy day. I started out in the morning, working on my Vensim project for Jim's HLD. Jim choose the project of Levi conquers all, where their would be builders and villagers trying to keep the colony alive with food and and wood for houses. My vensim model took all day, and I really needed a lot of help from Aaron when it started to involve carrying capacity's and rates coming out from nowhere. By the end of the day, my vensim model was finished.

August, 9 2016

Today was also a really busy day. I started off in the morning, with ODAA duty. I had reception and I decided that it would be really cool if I finished some more Inkscape projects. I got though all of them, including my own logo. My logo is a hand made rocket, with stars coming out like fire. On the cape like star blanket, I have my name. I think it's one of my best projects yet, because it works so well, and it actually looks nice. After lunch, I worked on the HLD, and fixed some errors that Ernie had pointed out. Now he just has to look over it.

August, 8 2016

Today was a really productive day. We had to start working on Block 1 projects, which I started last week. First we started on the HLD for the system suprevisor project. I had to write a HLD and give to someone who will follow my exact instructions. I got through it by lunch, but after Ernie reviewed it I still had stuff to fix. I decided I would fix it tomorrow. I started to work on the Inkscape projects, because Caroline had said they would be really fun. I got through the black square project and nike symbol. It was really fun and interesting.

August, 5 2016

Today was a pretty happy and sad day. It was the last day for Caroline, which was pretty sad. In the morning, Mikayla presented her projects because she had to leave at noon. After lunch, four people needed to present, since this was their last week as an apprentice. I thought that Akash's gallery project and Caroline's logo were really amazing. Overall, I'm happy we only have 2 more weeks left.

August, 4 2016

Today was a great day. In the morning I had reception duty. I really tried to add more libraries on to my website, but nothing worked. I ended up playing tetris on the library I wanted to put onto my website. After lunch, Abia and Albert helped me finish off my encryption code. Now when you submit somthing into the databse, the database is encrypted. But when it shows back up onto the table in english.

August, 3 2016

Today was a pretty awesome day. With the help of Albert, me and Abia got our encryption to work. As of now the database is filled with encryption but we have to decode it and put it back into the table. After lunch, we had a guest who taught us about resume writing. Kristin then talked us through writing our own resume and then we sent it to Ernie

August, 2 2016

Today was a pretty relaxed day. I cam here early to work on my blogs, because I was a day behind. At the beginning, Ernie gave me a project of encrypting which took me all day. I ended up getting it to print on the page, but have to get it connected to my database. Overall, it was a relaxed but tiring day.

August, 1 2016

Today was a pretty relaxed day. We started out talking about the projects we would be doing this week. We had to validate our forms and go exploring on libraries. I used bootstrap and hint.css as my 2 libraries to implement into my website. By the end of the day, I had finished both, and I decided to work on the inkscape project from block 1.

July, 29 2016

Today was a good day. I started out today with presentations. All the apprentices had to present the applet for the google project. The presentation was really easy because you just had to talk about how to use the app. After lunch, I worked with responsive webpage, so that you can view the webpage on any device.

July, 28 2016

Today was a pretty good day! I basically used the whole day to build my website, and upload everything into my portfolio. I've done so many things this year, that it took about 3 hours to finish my portfolio. This afternoon, I had reception so I was working from the reception desk until the end of the day.

July, 27 2016

Today was a great day! I had an error with my database in the morning, so I ended up taking part of the morning to fix it. Then me and Abia, browsed the internet to try and find bootstrap templates to upgrade our website. The website I had now looked kind of trashy and not very professional looking. I ended up working with my new website the whole day.

July, 26 2016

Today was a pretty good day. We had the whole day to work on our database and applet project. Since I was already finished with the database project, I just worked with my applet. I wrote up a word doc for each applet, explaining all the controls and key words. After lunch, Ernie gave me the project of a form validation. It was really hard, and basically messed up my code, so I took it out, and decided to start it the next week.

July, 25 2016

Today was a pretty laid back day.It was the start of block 3 which is pretty awesome. Not many people showed up today, probably due to other activities.In the morning we were given the google applet project, where we had to choose 2 applets to explain and teach by the end of the week. It wsan't very hard as I was basically done before lunch. Afterlunch, I helped Abia with her movie database project.

July, 22 2016

Today was a ok day. In the morning, we built boats out of cups and tape. All the boats in my class held up all the possible marbles so it was more about how close your estimate was to the actual marble count. In the afternoon, we worked on the php project which I finished. I have a error in resubmission but I think it works fine even with the error. Block 2 is over and I'm really happy.

July, 21 2016

Today was a great day! In the morning we had a building challenge, where we had to build a structure of coffee straws and pipe cleaner to hold a cup with as many marbles as it could hold without toppling over.Me and Adithi ended up getting 3rd place and got candy! After lunch, I had ODAA as the front office reception. I got to work on my MYSQL project, and got the chart selector to work. Aaron helped me out, and after a half hour got it to work. Now all I have to do is allow the user to add data into the chart.

July, 20 2016

Today was a normal day. In the morning we used lego's to become civil engineers. We used an applet to build a bridge and had a challenge of who could build a bridge with the most amount of weight distribution. At lunch we got cake because it was aaron's birthday. After lunch, we learned about vim and snap 2. We talked about svn and used a repository directory. The information was pretty interesting, but I am looking forward to going back to my music collection project.

July, 19 2016

Today was a pretty normal day. In the morning we made electrical circuits, that lit up an led bulb. We had breadboards, used resistors and wire. It was complicated at first, but then became really interesting. After lunch, we worked on our new project. I made a music collection of all my favorite songs, and linked my database to a webpage. I couldn't get the info into rows, but Kieth, a intern said he would help me tomorrow.

July, 18 2016

Today was a very fun day! We started out doing a hands on engineering activity. We had to create a ramp that could run a marble down and land in to a canister on the ground. We used two shodor applications and then created an equation to fid out where we should drop the marble on the ramp.My group got second place based on the accuracy of the marble. Then, the interns changed the challenge, so we had to get the marble onto the chair. After lunch, I was in chare of documenting a web design workshop. I could actually help people in this workshop because I had already learned all of this in the fall.

July, 15 2016

Today was a pretty boring day.We didn't have any assignments since everyone had already finished all the php projects. The highlight of my day was playing cards with everyone at lunch. Later in the day, we talked about MYSQL and version control. Version control is actually pretty interesting because it saves your work just in case you mess up the file. MYSQL was just terrible because we had so many syntax errors, but Travis fixed everything.

July, 14 2016

Today was a great day! I am currently finished with all my php projects! At first I thought it would be really hard because I didn't really understand php, but after all these projects I actually understnad php to a extent. I have a ODAA task today. I am documenting a forensic class, which sounds really interesting. Documenting is a task, where you write down what happens in the class, such as the activities being done. You also take up to 10 photos and send them to Dylan. Then you write up a word doc and also send it, so that it could maybe be posted on the website.

July, 13 2016

Today was actually a pretty good day. I was pretty productive as I finally finished my rolling dice project. Now when I click on the rolling dice project, a asterisk chart shows up giving a data distribution. I also finished my dynamic pages, which was a fairly simple project. You just have to use the Get function and it works. I have just started the jane doe project, which is actually really complicated. I'll try to finish it up tomorrow hopefully.

July, 12 2016

Today was a really productive day. I started out helping Abia and together we worked on the rolling dice project. In this php project, you have to create a simulation of rolling two dice, getting random numbers and storing them in a chart. So far all we got were the rolling dice part. I sort of wished that I could finish, but I ended up having to go to reception. Reception is my ODAA job for today. You sit at the front desk and handle any phone calls that come in. Overall its a pretty simple job. Here, I finished my calendar project, and started going back to the rolling dice project.

July, 11 2016

Today was the first day of summer at shodor! I didn't attend week 1, so I'm here for week 2 , 3 and 4. We mainly talked about php today,and started out with a few exercises. Me and Abia worked together and got all of the work done. We ade loops that could count to 5 and skipped numbers. We also made an array with animals and found the length of characters with the animals. We are now starting PHP projects which seem to be a little hard but I'm sure I can get through them by the end of the summer.