Anagha's Daily Blog

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Welcome To My Fall Module Blog!

Dec.19 2015

Today at Shodor, we worked on the group project, for half of the period. I finished working on the Vensim model, which I had started a couple of days before. I plugged in all the equations for the model, and tested it to see if it was doing what I had pictured in my mind. Then I helped Abia, with her part of the project. After lunch we presnted our project first. I wasn't really nervous about presenting because I had my groupmates standing right beside me. Overall our presentation went really well and I enjoyed the fall module a lot!

Dec.16 2015

Today I worked on my group project. I couldn't make it on Saturday so my group and I came on a tuesday to work. I worked on my vensim model, where I finished most of it, except for a few things. I hadnt finished the equations because My vensim model had excess items, that I couldn't fix until next saturday.

Dec.5th 2015

Today, we started our first group projects. My partners were Caroline and Abia. We decided to model an adoption agency, with cats and dogs. We wanted to model the likelihood that the animals would get adopted. Some of the animals, were mean and some were nice, giving the nice cats and dogs a higher percentage of getting adopted. During the day, we had time to work on the white boards and brainstorm our vensim models. We had a very complicated model, which then Dr.Panoff helped us condense the model to make it more clear and understanding.We then worked on our HLD, which is the High Level Design Document which is sort of like a plan/layout of our problem and how a model will help.

Nov. 21st 2015

Today we went in to great detal about a new program called agent cube online, which is different from agent sheets. In this program, you get a grid where you can create agents, which basically do whatever you tell it to do. Shapes are like subcategories of the agent.Using those 2 types of icons, you can build any model you want.

Nov. 14th 2015

Today in the morning, we were given a jump rope and 2 straws in order to see what types of models we could use to build with those materials. Dr.Panoff showed us how to use a new program called Vemsimple which let us do Vensim models. In our model, we had healthy people getting sick, where we added a infection fraction. The infection fraction told us how many of the healthy people were gettig sick. As part of our assignment we had to add on something to our model. On my model I added a cure fraction, and an immune box which made part of the sick healthy again and basically immune.

Nov.7th 2015

Today, we were in the apprentice lab, and in the morning we made a list. Within our group at our table we made a list about what models we could think of. Then we used excel the whole day, making models out of excel, which I did not know you could do. I also found out how to use excel to make a lot more complex models then I had done previously.

Oct. 24th 2015

On saturday, I couldn't make it to shodor, due to an illness. So I made up the work, by coming in on the next thursday after. I met Ron and Joel, who were very nice. I first talked to Ron, about Office Ethics which I found really interesting, because it talks about how you should act in a professional setting, which is most likely different from how you act at home. Since I brought my computer with me, Joel showed me how to use the programs putty.exe and winSCP, to acess the shodor server at home, which I thought was very neat. Since I was alone I finished in around an hour and a half.

Oct. 17th 2015

Today at Shodor, I had a lot more fun, then last week. Dr.Panoff was the speaker, this week and he talked about how do you know if something is true or not. We did sort off like a discussion with sauce jars, and what it meant if the button had been lifted up on the jar. We also did a problem about a king, who had some cheating moneymakers. We had to figure out who was cheating, which was very interesting. After our lunch break, we talked about knowing where your information is coming from, and how to cite. Then we mpoved to working, on our website, where I finished the HTML portion.


Today was my first day as a shodor apprentice. I was very nervous, but slowly got used to it. During the day, we went over the basic rules and regulations of Shodor. We went over this document, nicknamed "Doom and Gloom" because of how long and boring it was. At lunch break, we ate and played cards, which was very fun and the highlight of my day.Later we learned how to use terminal, and created our Public_html folder, which really excited me. I had always wanted to learn how to use command line.We were also given an assignment to make a website, which excited me so much! I have built a couple of websites before, but have never gotten a domain for them until now!