System Model
The system model is designed to implement factors that can make period poverty either increase or decrease. Users will be able to manipulate the factors that can change the graph of whether the access to period products will increase or decrease. The factors that can be manipulated are homelessness, unemployment, death, policy implemented for menstrual advocation, and the tampon tax being enforced in the United States.

Agent Model
In the agent model, there are agents which represent a female who goes through her adolescent life by being able to go to school. However, each time she is next to a school, her menstrual education levels go down due to lack of access to proper feminine health education. Once her menstrual education goes down a certain amount she will change into another shape where she no longer goes to school before changing into a businesswoman visualizing the stage of adulthood in her life. The agents have wallets assigned to them, so whenever they are next to the grocery store they can lose money while also changing shape to either express the female has bought menstrual products, food, or dangerous alternatives to menstrual products. The agent can also gain money in her wallet when she is next to work. Once the wallet goes down to a certain number, the agent will turn homeless and soon become infected and die due to her not being able to have access to proper healthcare.