About our model

About the model

Looking at the data since the 1980, there has been an apparent increase in the atmospheric CO2 concentration. This is the result of an era of industrialization and manufacturing, in which the burning of fossil fuels and other nonrenewable energy resources are burned, and other factors including automobiles. All of these directly impact the emission of fossil fuels change and the change in CO2 concentration in the atmosphere in which the change in the CO2 concentration directly affects the average temperature change per year.

The topic that appealed to us the most during our brainstorming process was climate change. There are a lot of environmental concerns especially at this time and we thought we could accomplish a lot with this topic. For our project, we focused primarily on one of the greenhouse gases, carbon, to display how an increase or decrease in carbon concentration as a result of fossil fuel emissions could affect the average temperature change. We hypothesized that if there is an increase in the carbon concentration in the atmosphere, then it should directly affect the average temperature change in each year. We tried to have our data and graphs closely resemble the data we retrieved from the NOAA in which there was a linear progression for the change in atmospheric carbon dioxide. Based on that data, we expected that the CO2 concentration should be linear in which the average change in temperature should more or less be linear as well.

Data we used to create our model:

  • Temperature Change and Carbon Dioxide Change
  • Climate at a Glance
  • Climate Change: Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide