Vensim Model
In our Vensim model we decided to build off the existing model we have made a representation of the how the disease is spread by using the constants of Healthy Rats, Sick Rats, Dead Rats, Healthy Humans, Sick Humans and finally Dead Humans as well as Immune Rats. In our Vensim Model we have a birth rate of healthy rats and a natural death rate percentage. We have then included an Infection Fraction for the healthy rats to contract the plague and also an immunity rate for some rats to be immune to the plague. We also inputted a percentage for a death rate which affects the sick rats. Once a rat has perished however, the fleas that were relying on the rat as an host, leave the rat to humans as hosts and the cycle continues. This accounts for a separate part of our model, the transmission of the disease towards humans. Our model for humans mirrors the model for rats.