First Semester Projects
- Not a Sketchy Website
- William and Aidan's Seal and Fish model
- My Ethics Assignment
- Bouncing Particles
- A Simple Coin Flip Program
- A Text Based Magic Eight Ball
- Parallel Computing PI Calculation(needs to be compiled in terminal using "gcc -Wall -fopenmp -o -pi pi.c"before use)
- Sarah and Aidan's Seal and Fish model in Javascript
- A collection of all the files that I edited in Gimp/Inkscape
- A Bouncing Balls Simulation in Javascript
- A cool model that I made in Javascript with the Canvas just for fun
- A smiley face that I made with the Javascript Canvas
- A color randomizer that I made with PHP
- A color randomizer that I made with Javascript
- A calendar which changes day to day that I made with PHP
- A name switcher that I made with PHP
- A PHP program which calculates various statistics concerning dice
- A simple webpage that uses JQuery to create a To-Do List
- A HLD for my website