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Candid Student Reports

The following reports were written by members of Math and Science Explorations during the second day of the program. Some elements may have been removed/edited for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.

Mitchell Metz

Today, we learned about genogeography and I found out about our first ansester "adam", and where he came from. There was also a frozen man that I learned that archeoligists found, completely preserved from an iceberg with weapons that seem to be advanced for that time.

Grace Ham

I think today's lesson was the best because I always thought about where my ancestors came from and what my DNA was. Today was very exciting because Ifound out where my ancestors came from.

Dayyan Borhanian

We looked at family trees and genetic markers. We also got to look at our own dna. Todays class was fun and seemed to end to early.

Matthew Starks

Today was a big suprise because when I came in I expected it to be comepletely different. I actually thought we were learning things about concerning space, but it turned out to be fun learning about genogeography and how it works and can change randomly. This was really interesting.

Last modified: October 08 2008.
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