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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the Saturday Explorations Club during the first session of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.


Today are topic was graph theroy we did some 
puzzles that were possible and impossible. One 
of the puzzles included going over every bridge 
one time.
        The anaylasis that we learned is:

This is what we learned at  Saturday Exploration club.


       Today our lesson was graph theory. Bob 1 was 
our teacher. We had to draw different shapes,numbers, 
and pictures. Bob 1 showed us how we didn't have to 
draw the shapes and pictures if we just used the graph 
theory by labeling, analizing, conjecture, and then we 
did different tests. For snack we had pizza. To,day we 
had a fun and exciting day and learned a lot. :)


 Today I learned about analysising.Analysis-
ing has 4 stages.They are 

We leared about counting
sides,counting how many lines connect to the
certain line.We also leaned thet if it is more than 2 
odd numbers it's impossible,and less it's possible


Last Update: November 25, 1998
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