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Dr. Joiner makes sure that the students know about gravity before they begin to work on their GalaxSee models. |
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Dawn helps another student to find out what phrase is on her back. |
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Antonio and Dawn work together to make sure that they keep the model running correctly. |
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Dr. Joiner explains that the point at which the sun sits in the model in relation to the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis. |
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As the word game comes to a conclusion students show how much fun they had. |
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Joanna is having some trouble trying to figure out what is on her card. |
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Students follow along as Dr. Joiner explains the way their model will run. |
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Word games got the students awake and ready for work today. |
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Students work together to make sure that their model runs just like Dr. Joiner's. |
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The class watches Dr. Joiner as he shows the everything that will be shown in the model. |
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Students make sure that they do no miss anything that Dr. Joiner says in his presentation. |