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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the Medicine and Biosciences during the third day of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.


Today we have a great time learning about science. 
We were given a brief synopsis about three areas of
science: genetics; computational chemistry; data 
analysis.  After we were given this information we 
had the opportunity to choose the project that we 
were going to work on for the next two days.  I 
decided to do a project on drugs (morphine and 
codiene to be exact).  Just beginning the project 
was quite a challenge.  After we were able to model 
the structure, with a little help, we began to work 
on our STELLA® model that we will use to compare 
our data.  Tomorrow will be a day full of hard work, 
effort, and little time for fun.  I hope that my 
presentation will reflect the work that I will put 
into it.


 Projects were really fun and not as complicated as 
I thought they would thusfar.  Nwakaego has been a 
real help on our Bubonic Plague chart on Stella.  
Although we covered special topics this morning 
(genetics, computational chemistry, linear 
regression, Hardy-Weinberg theory), we had time to 
joke about... Monte's feet!  I hope we create a 
really stellar project and that I invest enough 
hard work and determination to actually make a 
halfway decent presentation happen.


Today I accomplished a lot.  Margaux and I decided 
to do a project on the Black Plague.  So far we 
have made the model and we also wrote down our 
assumptions.  This morning before we started our 
projects we did special topics and we did linear 
regressions and  computational science.  Wendy also 
taught us about Hardy Weinderg and his theory.  
After starting our project they didn't seem as hard 
as I thought.  Yesterday I asked if it would be 
possible for me to get a copy of STELLA.  I would 
also like a copy of MacSpartan if it's possible.  
If you forgot my e-mail address it is  Don't be a strange write me 
with info please.  I have to go now.  Later gator


Today we worked with special topics. We did linear 
regression, computational chemistry and genetics. We 
worked with a new program called Macspartan.  We 
looked at how traits are decided in genetics and 
the chances of certain things showing up. We 
started our projects today. We chose a topic and 
began our work on it. I worked with the STELLA 
model for colon cancer and analyzed it. We ran into 
some complications with the stella model of cancer, 
but worked to fix it. We didnt get it totally 
figured out, but we'll continue to work on it 
tomorrow. It would be great to have STELLA and 
macspartan on my home computer. These programs are 
extremely helpful with explaining and analyzing 
different things. Hopefully I'll be able to get a 
copy to work with at home!!!!


Today was great fun as usual at Medicine and 
Biosciences Workshop.  I was not here for the 
morning lesson, but I did get here on time to start 
our partner project.  It was a lot of fun.  Bob2 
suggested to us ideas to use in order to do our 
projects.  My partner and I decided to do our 
project on colon rectal cancer which is under the 
cateogory Epidemiology.  I am very excited about 
that.  Unfortunately, we discovered that our model 
for our project was incorrectly done.  We had Bob2, 
Wendy, and Erin help us.  Thank goodness our mentors 
could help.  My partner and I will be working on our 
presentation tomorrow.  Stella is fun.  I like 
Stella.  I still want a Stella t-shirt.  I can't 
wait to finish up our project.  That will be good. 


Today, Bob2, Erin, and Wendy each gave a special 
topics. We used STELLA again to model genetics and 
computational science. We used Excell to do data 
analyisis on statistics. We also chose our project 
for the rest of the week. We decided to study 
codine and the way it works in the body. It was 
quite a challenge to model codeine, but with help 
we finally secured the model.We ran a electrostatic 
potential on codine, and tomorrow we'll collect 
data on morphine.


 Today was exciting.We did some computational 
chemistry and more Stella models.We also got our 
project ideas today. In the compchem, we made 
gylcine models. In Stella we learned about Hardee 
Weinberg. Class was fun.


Hola. Como estas? ˇYo estoy bien! Well, we learned 
information on genetics, computational chemistry, 
and linear regression. I decided to do my report on 
the dosage of codeine in the body. It is very 
difficult to find some of the information, but quite 
interesting.That's all for now. Choa!


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