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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the Medicine and Biosciences during the fourth day of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.

Today Margaux and I worked on our project. We acually came a long way with our Black Death project model. I'm kinda affraid of getting up in front of people to talk, but I guess I'll get over it tomorrow. In the morning we still have to finish our outline. It was great. I hope tomorrow is as much fun as today. Bye now.


Hello!  Tell me about last minute jitters!  I'm 
soooooo worried about the presentation tomorrow.  
Bob2 just told us that smart people will be 
watching our presentations from a University 
and they'll be asking us questions!  I'm soooo 
worried.  My partner and I worked very hard on 
our project.  We learned that this model we've 
been using is totally non-reliant.  I also 
learned that Bob2 looks like Mr. Rogers except 
Mr. Rogers has brown hair and Bob2 has blonde 


Today, we worked on our projects.My group is 
very close to being done. Tomorrow we are just 
going to polish everything up. We figured out
our STELLA model, which we were having trouble 
with yesterday. Overall, i think we're ready to
present tomorrow.


Today I caught up on the stuff I missed yester-
day. I worked on the project with my partner 
and we have almost perfecting it. Also again we
went to 9th street to eat.



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