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June 17, 2005

Picking up where they left off yesterday, the students headed straight to the Deaf CS portion of Shodor's website to continue the activity they started yesterday. Today they learned about calories, and why women need fewer than men. Also, they studied how the nerves in their bodies work.

After a snack break they began constructing their models on body fat. They answered questions about themselves and then calculated their own body fat. As an interesting experiment, they also used their models to calculate what their body fat would be several years from now. Using this information they could see the effects that changes in their diet would have on their health over a long period of time.

To wrap things up for the week each student filled out an evaluation before receiving a t-shirt and certificate for their completion of the workshop! And via video conference, Dr. Panoff congratulated the students on their hard work.

Last modified: October 08 2008.
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