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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the Internet Explorers Club during the third session of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.

Is it true?

Today we worked with models on the net. We used the models to help us answer questions about the population in different countries. The model had default values of the average birth and death rates for different countries. Neat!


Today we did the population sheets. They were interactive models on the internet. We looked at how the population is enfected by the death rate and birth rate. There was a sheet that we looked at that showed the death and birth rate of other countries. One of the countries was Germany and its birth rate was 9.46 and the death rate was 11.09. Well we hope you enjoyed our report and hi famly.

:) Bye (:

Phillip & Jackson

Today we went outside and sat on the benches. Bob 1 had a carton of what were supposed to be eggs. He had labeled them H and R. We had to list observations of whether we thought the eggs were hard boiled or raw. It turned out that one was raw, one was water, one was purple paint, and the rest were who knows what. Well, gotta go. My ride is here.


Today we did an experiment about observation dealing with eggs. We learned that you should not jump to conclusions. We had a good a good time. We had to figure out which ones were hard boiled and which ones were raw.

Matt + Nakia

Today we learned that it is very important that you ddo not jnump to conclusions. Then that we had to do research before we come to a conclusion, that fancey word for an educated guess is hypotheis. We think that it is not hard to jump to conclusions we learned this wene we were asked what we thought was in some of the eggs. When Bob1 cracked it (the egg) open there was water in it!

Jenny & Antoine


Snowflake Program

Snowflake was is an example of how a server works. A server is a computer that gives out information. For example: you move a dot on the screen that information is sent to server that takes that information and spits it out to other computers which is called a "Whiteboard operation".


Last Update: June 14, 1999
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