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Anwar takes the stand as a witness for the prosecution. He shares what he has learned about the case from his interaction with "Simply_Web," a person who claimed to have the ability to change grades for students. |
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A double-exposed image that shows the defense's reaction to Judge Monte's ruling. |
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Tasha, one of the defense lawyers, objects to a question posed by the prosecution. |
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Jon takes his chances of getting off (acquitted) on his own shoulders by taking the stand at his own trial. |
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Jeff testifies about the codes that he deciphered. One coded note was found at the scene of the crime and the other was found in Jon's desk. |
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Jon is making sure that he answers all the questions put before him by the prosecution. |
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Monte makes sure that all the information brought out during the trial is relevant to the case. |
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Millicent tries to remember what her attorneys told her to say in order to show the prosecution that she does not know as much as they suspect. |
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Monte gets frustrated when the attorneys do not quiet down during the trial. |
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Prosecuters make sure that they get all of the information that they need from each witness. |
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Lauren makes sure that the jury understands the prosecution's position before they deliberate on the case. |
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Robbye does not want to be convicted of a crime so she testifies against Jon. |
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Sophie must be sworn in to make sure that she is telling the truth on the stand. |
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Sophie talks about her analysis of a pen from each person in the office. She makes a statement about which one was used to write the note found at the crime scene. |
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Vik has been sworn in, but is he really telling the truth? No one really knows. Vik says that he was with Jon at a baseball game during the time when the crime took place. |
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Everyone poses for the last picture of the week. |
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We all thought the last photo wasn't enough. |
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This is really how we like to be. |