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Candid Student Reports

The following reports were written by members of Environmental Science during the fifth day of the program. Some elements may have been removed/edited for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.


Today was the last day. I am a little upset because i was having alot of fun. We talked about moths, and how they change and why they change.


Today we learened about the peppered moyth. We did a model on it and it was prety cool after I got use to it. Kent is a alright taecher.


today we talked about moths and how many birds eat. then we looked at different models it was interesting. and we looked at a slide show.


Today, we learned about moths. It was very interesting. I really liked today.


today was a great day and i enjoyed it. As if i wouldn't it's the end of shodr but i'll miss this camp and i really enjoyed my self thanks guys:)


Today, which is the last day of this workshop, we studied the peppered moths in England.


i really liked today, especially the parts about the moths and being able to help a couple of other kids. i wish all classes were like today because it was fun, interesting, and not boring in the least, amd it tought me about pepper moths.


Today we learned about peppered moth. Also that the moths hide in different areas. It would depend what kind it is like, if it was black it would hide in a dark polluted place but you could see the white peppered moths but in a healthly enviroment and we played a moth game.

Last modified: October 08 2008.
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