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Candid Student Reports

The following reports were written by members of Engineers in Training during the third day of the program. Some elements may have been removed/edited for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.


Today was another good day! My favorite thing was the program we used at the end to find out the density. I also liked building the structure out of straws and pins, even though I got poked a lot and our's fell apart...


Today was really cool finishing up our models and having to rush to make it since i got a little late. I got second place only becuase i hled it so strong and im happy. I learned that triangles are more supportal than boxes becuase osmeone that used a cube their model fell over. THen it was fun counting out our width depth and finding a patern and measurung the masss and tomorrow we are going to be finding out surface areas to find out which box would hold the most amount.


I liked testing the structures. The boxes were'nt that interesting though.


Today we study boxes and we also studied about the density but it was actually very confusing to me though maybe I'll get it more tommorw.


Today we learned how to measure density and volume using simple tests. It was fun


Today we made boxes out of paper and figured out the width,depth,volume and mass.


Today's building project was very fun. I'm glad we won even though all of the other teams were very close. I hope we can do something as fun tommorrow. I learned alot about density, volume, mass, andd other stuff today. I think that you might need to explain it a little bit better or something. the thing is that I either don't understand or you guys arent teaching well. I defenately know that you guys are teaching VERY! well so I guess it's just cause I don't understand. I hope tommorrow is an eisier leson to understand. Thankyou for taking time to teach me and to make science more fun for me!
From your faithful student,

Last modified: October 08 2008.
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