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Candid Student Reports

The following reports were written by members of Engineers in Training during the first day of the program. Some elements may have been removed/edited for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.


I really liked the lego bulding because it gave you just a little expereince at how engerring would be in the real world. I really wouldn't change anything.


I liked how we used the program on the computer to find out whether the object would stand or topple. I also liked that we had to write a hypothesis and then make a final rule to summarize it. I don't really know of how to improve the activity we did today. I thought it was pretty fun and I am looking foward to the rest of this week!


Today was fun even though i got 1 hour and a half late. I missed a lot but i cought on quickly. It was confusing trying to figure out what the center interseting lines meant but after our teacher explained i understood.


I liked building with legos and finding out which ones toppled and which ones didn't. It would have been better though, if they had given at least one or two clues about how it worked.


I liked this class very much. Even though on the first day I was a bit sick, I still had fun building lego houses and testing our hypothesises. I would like to make a suggestion to have 1 computer per person.
Thanks for a great lesson,


The whole point of today was to test and hypothosis how and why objects fall. I liked this activity because it was hands-on with legos. We used the legos to test how some structures topple while others, stand up regardless of the odd structures appearence. Through these activities I learned it all has to do with the weight on each side.


I likeed finding out what topples & what stands! I also liked building w/ the Leggos.I cant wait to learn more!!!!!!!

Last modified: October 08 2008.
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