There are a number of general questions you should answer about the appropriateness of the model, regardless of the subject, for the intended audiences. These should be described in the documentation or problem boxes in the form of an explanation of what you tested, and against what reference or literature standard:
Is there adequate documentation to understand the objectives, assumptions, constraints, and scientific methods? Are there instructor guides and/or student activities? Are the operating instructions clear?
Is the user interface clear and understandable? Is there adequate documentation to explain its use?
What are the benefits and challenges to using this resource with the target audiences?
Does the resource adequately convey an understanding of the science of the model? Are there references to other sources to validate the scientific methods and/or learning opportunities?
Visualizations - are there appropriate visualizations that contribute to the teaching and learning process?
Are there any risks in relying on this resource?
How complex a model can be run and still have real-time analysis?
If the materials are for K-12 audiences, how do the resources address state or national learning standards?
For what audiences is the resource appropriate as an instructional tool? Or with modifications? If not, what modifications are needed? Please indicate which grade levels and related prerequisite skills this material is appropriate for.
For what audiences is the resource appropriate as a learning tool? Or with modifications? Please indicate which grade levels and related prerequisite skills this material is appropriate for.
Is the terminology appropriate for the target audience?
Can the model and/or the algorithms be altered to allow for larger scale problems or more complex problems? Or is the model constrained?
If there is a cost, is it reasonable for the target organizations?
Are considerations taken into account for people with disabilities that will use the resource?
Which operating systems and which browsers are supported? Or not supported? Does the model clearly state which platforms are supported?
Are there any security issues running the software? Firewalls?
How might the resource be improved for the target audiences? How might the resource be extended to benefit other audiences?