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Searches the Data Repositories of HPCU and CSERD

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Results: 1-10 of 27
Introduction to Storage Resource Broker (SRB) architecture and configurations. Introduction to HDF5 library, object model, and data subsetting. Description and motivation of the collaboration project. Details of the HDF5-SRB model and architecture. (Note: users may also be interested in iRODS).
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Overview on searching, navigating, and teaching with NMPDR. Presentations on connecting bioinformatics to the bench, and subsystems annotation. Assignments exploring biosynthesis and pathogenesis. Documents on using GBrowse, and SEED. ***Notice to NMPDR Users*** The NMPDR BRC contract ended in December 2009. At that time we ceased maintenance of the NMPDR web resource and data. The PATRIC team, located at the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute, created and maintains a new consolidated BRC for all of the NIAID category A-C priority pathogenic bacteria. NMPDR is transferring data and software associated to PATRIC for incorporation into their new Web-based bioinformatics resource. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about this transition.
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Overview of SRB use in data grids, digital libraries, and persistent archives. Sample applications include the Southern California Earthquake Center, NSDL, and NARA. Description of federated server architecture, latency management, and extensibility.
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The nanoHUB is a web-based resource for research, education, and collaboration in nanotechnology. It includes simulations, collaboration tools, learning and teaching materials. The site also allows users to become contributors of new material.
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Wiki with links pointing to documentation and administrative topics, such as instructions for downloading, building, and installing ParaView. Tutorials for ParaView 2.X and III are also available.
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Introduction to HPC, storage hierarchy, instruction-level parallelism, compiler tricks, shared memory multithreading, distributed multiprocessing, math libraries, I/O, and visualization.
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Collection of resources for physics education. Teacher's resources include classroom activities and cosmic ray e-labs. Students' resources include studies on cosmic rays, discovering particles, ohm's law applications.
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Discoveries and innovations in the sciences and engineering that began with support from the Information Technology Research (ITR) for National Priorities Discovery.
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basic scientific python, using python numeric, building simple extensions, mpi parallel programming in Python
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Conway's game of life, sparse matrix I/O, pNeo, passive target RMA, Improving performance
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Results: 1-10 of 27