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National Microbial Pathogen Data Resource
ContributorNone listed
PublisherNone listed
DescriptionOverview on searching, navigating, and teaching with NMPDR. Presentations on connecting bioinformatics to the bench, and subsystems annotation. Assignments exploring biosynthesis and pathogenesis. Documents on using GBrowse, and SEED. ***Notice to NMPDR Users*** The NMPDR BRC contract ended in December 2009. At that time we ceased maintenance of the NMPDR web resource and data. The PATRIC team, located at the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute, created and maintains a new consolidated BRC for all of the NIAID category A-C priority pathogenic bacteria. NMPDR is transferring data and software associated to PATRIC for incorporation into their new Web-based bioinformatics resource. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about this transition.
FormatHTML, Science, Slide
SubjectBiology, Chemistry, Medicine, Life Sciences
Keyworddatabase, microbe, pathogen