Agent Model
Agent Model
This model shows birds preying on bugs, and bugs preying on flowers. The bugs and birds both randomly move around the 25 by 25 grid. Every 3 units of time, each square on the grid has a 25% chance of growing a flower on it. When a bug is next to a flower, the bug gets +4 "eat points". When a bird is next to a bug, it has a 50% chance of eating the bug and it gets +4 "eat points" from eating a bug. Eat points are what determine whether a creature dies or reproduces. When a bug goes one step without eating, it loses a eat point. The same happens with a bird. If a bug reaches -5 eat points, it dies, and if it reaches 2 eat points, it creates a new bug. If a bird gets -15 eat points, it dies, and if it reaches 8 eat points, a new bird is produced. To use this model, simply open the link to the model, click play, and observe how the flowers, bugs, and birds interact with each other.
While creating the model, I noticed some really neat things. The first thing I noticed was that the random element of spawn location and movementreally changes the way the graph turnes out. because of this system of randomness, sometimes the birds, bugs, or both would go extinct. I also noticed that the graph has an interesting form. Its kind of thike there are 3 sinusoidal equations with different values for each.